Nailsea Bowls Club
The new summer season is fast approaching and I am sure we are all looking forward to returning to the green to roll some bowls.
This year sees a new beginning for our club as the separate men’s and ladies clubs voted to merger into one unified bowls club. I believe we are stronger together.
Our everyday club play is likely to remain the same, we have established playing section committees to run the teams and social bowls so it is expected that you will see more of the same this year for you all to enjoy.
Whilst it is early days for the newly elected committee we have started to plan some of the things that we want to introduce or develop for your continued enjoyment. These include:
Ø new coaching ideas, we now have 5 qualified coaches to help you;
Ø improved communication to members, our new website is up and running and will include a members area to help inform you of what is happening and planned for the future
Ø Ladies only recruitment days, as well as our existing Open Days we plan to target the local community to try and improve our recruitment and growth for the ladies section
Ø Redecoration of the Bowls Blue Room, in conjunction with MRC and the Indoor Club we hope to provide new and improved coffee lounge facilities as part of the Blue Room. This will not adversely effect existing facilities.
These are just our initial thoughts and we are starting to plan longer term projects, such as Water Harvesting to reduce the cost of watering the green; a junior section to attract younger bowlers (U18); disabled facilities to enhance our offering to the wider community. All of these will take time and we will need to seek willing volunteers from our members to help with these, and possibly other ideas in the future, so if you think you have the skills or experience to make a contribution then please let any committee member know of your interest.
In the next few weeks we will be posting more in formation on club notice boards in the lobby and on the club website. In particular we will be looking for volunteers for the Maintenance team, for the Bar & Catering team and a new social events committee, so please add your name if you are able to help – remember many hands make light work.
Thank you and enjoy your bowls in 2025.
Duncan Edler, Chair Nailsea Bowls Club
Contact Information
Duncan Edler
- 07766405358
Find Nailsea Bowls Club
Mizzymead Recreation Centre, Mizzymead Rise, Nailsea, Bristol, Somerset, BS48 2JJ
Additional Information
Nailsea Bowls Club part of the Mizzymead Recreation Centre Registered Charity Number 304589