Monday Night bowls starts for the summer season from next week!
Monday 18th April
Similar to last season we need to know if you are able to attend. Depending on numbers we will send you a suggested playing order by the weekend in good time for Monday play. So please respond as soon as possible and no later than Saturday evening.
Session : - 6.30 - 8.00pm
(or just turn up if last minute)
One rink will be set aside for coaching. If you are interested in this please indicate on your reply. Should numbers be high enough we may also organise a separate session. Further details subject to numbers.
The bar will be open so if you wish you can stay and socialise after you have finished bowling.
Club Matches Availability Lists
Finally a reminder to all members, old and new, you are encouraged to add your names to the availability lists on the notice boards inside the foyer to the changing rooms for any matches you wish to play in, especially the friendly games (pink sheets).
See you on the rink on Monday Night